Chill folks,
KVE Annual Swim in..........
It's a chance to get together, chill out and share the dream, and yes, it has changed from the Jump Shack a small gathering of a few hundred people of yesteryear.
I KNOW KVE folks put a lot of time in for a lot of things. If meals/coffee/tea are a concern, bring a BBQ and a Hexi stove. Help out the meal availability: maybe others can organise this?
I would not be complaining about the facilities. I have dug a hole and used a bucket 'bush style' many times. One shower & toilet is luxury IMO. I stay at Ball Park as I have some wonderful friends there. I love the week and would not miss it for the world.
Things have changed from what was. It annoys me that people complain about the event. IF you want to make it better put in the effort. Donate to KVE for the auction, be a member, help out, but do all you can.
I can't change the KVE and I don't want to. I just want us all to have a great time. It's my passion.
End rant.