Hi all
Both Tony Luke from SA and Dennis Taylor from NSW spent time in Corowa hospital. We hope you both make a quick recovery.
Just thought you would like to know the following sad news on 2 of our Corowa participants. Charlie was unable to make the Corowa event this year due to ill health but he allowed a friend to bring down his 1988 Reynolds Boughton RB44. On Saturday while we were at the Swap Meet we were informed that he had been involved in a fatal accident on a property north of Brisbane.
On Tuesday when Mike Edwards was heading home when he was in a fatal accident near Yarrawonga with his Landrover and Trailer. If you would like to know funeral arrangements please send me a reply and I will let you know when I know.
Jan Thompson – Secretary & Public Relations KVE
and for the queenslanders and all those who knew "mr barefoot charlie"
Subject: Memorial for Charlie Anderson
We have now received details of the Memorial Meeting being organised for Charlie. His son, also Charlie, advised me that the Celebration of his life will take place on Tuesday, the 26th March, at 1.30 PM at the Baptist Church, 22 White Street, Nerang.
The details of this will be printed in this Thursday’s Courier Mail. The occasion will allow one speaker from each of the Clubs to which Charlie belonged, to speak for a few minutes. It will not be a religious service.
There will be tea or coffee and sandwiches following the speeches.
I have been particularly asked by the family to request no flowers, however if you would like to donate, they would request that you support either the Leukaemia Foundation at GPO Box 9954, Brisbane, Q. 4001 or The Myeloma Foundation of Australia at 335 Swan Street, Richmond, Victoria. 3121. Phone 03 9428 7444.
Once again, I would request that you pass this information on to other members who may not have access to the internet.
Rob Fraser.
The participant that was killed on his way home when his vehicle apparently blew a tyre and rolled over a couple of times was well known VMVC member 57yo Mike Edwards of Guildford, Victoria.
Information to hand is that Mike was travelling between Corowa and Yarrawonga in his Landrover and trailer when the accident occurred. It appears that no other vehicle was involved.
Mike was a regular attender at Corowa and enjoyed it very much, arriving days before the official start and staying on after the event. His large, rigid frame tent with boxes of bits and pieces for sale on the grass out front was like a drop-in centre for many of us.
Mike and his father Graham who passed away 18 months or so ago are a tremendous loss to the HMV scene.
David Mottram