A bit more info that you might be interested in Tommy. Just general knowledge, but handy if you are really interested in Bofors are the positions and job functions of the gun detachment.

Gun No.1...The Sargent who is responsible for overall training of the detachment and operation of the gun. His prime function in action is target selection as advised by information over the radio. He stands well to the rear of the gun.
Gun No2..The Gun Layer (usually, but not always a Lance Bombardier) who is responsible for aiming and firing the gun.Obviously seated in the firing position.
Gun No3..A Bombardier who is second in charge and responsible for fire control of the gun. He stands just behind the gun.
Gun No4.. A Gunner who stands on the loading platform and is responsible for the initial cocking of the gun via the H.O.L.(Hand Operating Lever) and feeding clips of ammunition (four rounds to a clip) into the Auto Loader. Also has a foot pedal to be used to fire the gun if needed.
Gun No. 5.. A Gunner who is responsible for loading clips of ammunition into the ammunition rack on the gun. He stands near the ammunition rack. Up to the late 1960's he was also responsible for operating the radio but this was changed as it was realised that in combat he would be too busy loading ammunition to properly operate the radio and keep the Sargent advised.
Gun No.6.. A Gunner who was the radio operator and he stayed close to the Sargent at the rear of the gun.
I hope this helps in your general knowledge of the operation of one of these guns and when you realise these guns can fire rounds at 120 rounds a minute in short bursts both the Gunners No.4 and No.5 are busy boys.

I might also add that in the photo of my gun detachment above it has a five man detachment, it was just after this the six man detachment was introduced.