The Registry Of Ex-Military Land-Rovers Au, NZ, etc
Trials, Prototype and Land Rover Development Vehicles

Whilst the information on the Perentie Project is elsewhere on REMLR, to help clear the confusion about some vehicles, a page with information about "Prototypes", "Trials" and "Development" vehicles involved with the development of the 6x6 and Project Perentie seemed to be appropriate.

There is often confusion as to what some vehicles surrounding the project are, so this page should help to clarify. IPV = Initial Production Vehicle
Chassis No
Current Location
Other Information
Development Vehicle YNQ-275 1982 4x4 110 Unk - ACT Registered. Very early 110, possibly first in Australia. Was a development vehicle, has basic tubular brushguard, canopy and other items. Photographed in a Article PDF with rego plate on. Used for layout and equipment development prior to arrival of first 110s. Also used for engine/transmission development for the project.
Development Vehicle STAGE 2 - 4x4 Stage 1 Unk   NSW Registered. 109, Series 3, Stage 1 fitted with Series 3 Brushguard. Used as an evaluation vehicle.
Prototype 1
- 6x6 Sandringham Unk - Proof of concept vehicle brought to Australia. Became Quasi Army trials vehicle despite retaining stage 1 appearance as it has series cab and windscreen. No.1 Prototype 6x6.
Prototype 2/3


6x6 Stage 1 Unk - Isuzu Engined. Converted to 6x6 by extension of the original Land Rover chassis. NSW Registration.
Prototype 2/3
- 6x6 Stage 1 Unk - Isuzu Engined. Converted to 6x6 by extension of the original Land Rover chassis. 6WD rego was used on a number of vehicles however.
Early Production
- 110 6x6 Unk - NSW registration. JRA's Extra bit of Chocolate article. Took part in the 86 Wynn's, the O'Donnell Expedition. Is a truly production 110 6x6 vehicle that was used by the company as a demonstrator. Red with Ally tray. 6WD rego was used on a number of vehicles however.
1983 4x4 SALLDRAZ1AY400002 - Parade Photos
1983 4x4 SALLDRAZ1AY400003 - Parade Photos. At Army Tank Museum.
1983 4x4 SALLDRAZ1AY400004 REMLR 56 On Display at the Army Museum Bandiana.
Pucka and Monteega Trials, and the original LRA Reference vehicle before its swap.
Trials /
MMQ-249 1983 4x4 SALLBCAV1AF547266 - LRA 4x4 Reference Vehicle for Project Perentie. This vehicle was was destined to be the Leyland/JRA Trials Support Vehicle. However of the three trials vehicles that were delivered, one was badly damaged during delivery. Because of the time constraints, MMQ-249 became the 'Third' trials vehicle. Chassis numbers, plates etc were all swapped over. The new MMQ-249 was then repaired including a new chassis. Originally Vin SALLDRAZ1A7400001, however it's original Australian VIN SALLBCAV1AF547266 is shown on it's compliance plate and registration documents.
1983 6x6 Narrow SALLDMAZ1AY600002 REMLR 56 Located at Army Museum Bandiana. Narrow Cab
1983 6x6 Narrow SALLDMAZ1AY600003 - -
1983 6x6 Narrow SALLDMAZ1AY600004 - -
Trials /
1983 6x6 Wide SALLDMAZ1AY -

LRA 6x6 Reference Vehicle for Project Perentie. Was converted to LRPV prototype and then disassembled. Eventually sold off. Photo in advert in Bushdriver. Thought to have been vin 600001, however no supporting data to date.

Trials /
1983 6x6 Wide SALLDMAZ1AY600005 LR

LRA 6x6 Reference Vehicle for Project Perentie.
Became Wide Body prototype, then Dual cab prototype.
Still owned by LR, NSW rego ZCF-358.
Archive Photo.

IPV 48-001 - GS SALLDHAZ1BF565735 Army Used in the first series of Bush Tucker Man films. Preserved at the East Point Military Museum in Darwin in 2013.
IPV 48-003 - FFR WW SALLDHAZ1BF565736 Army IPV for the FFR WW. Later used to develop the RFSV variant, and was finally upgraded to the later RFSV configuration.
VOY-194   FFR SALLDHAZ1BF565737 - Originally registered as OJB-636 on 10/04/87. Land Rover Engineering Development Vehicle.
Re-registered as VOY-194 early 1990s before it was passed to BAeA in Adelaide to assist as a development vehicle for the Bushranger 4x4 FFR build. BAeA pulled it apart and never rebuilt it.
Reappeared and may be rebuilt in 2011 as it was a bare chassis, was owned by REMLR 047.
IPV 48-002 - FFR SALLDHAZ1BF565738 Army IPV for the FFR. Later used to develop the RFSV variant, and was finally upgraded to the later RFSV configuration.
IPV 48-004 - Survey FFR SALLDHAZ1BF565739 Army -
IPV 48-005 - Command Post FFR SALLDHAZ1BF565740 REMLR 196 2013 purchased by REMLR Member Wayne E. Photos can be found on the 110 Command Post page


AJ-46-HS   Command Post, FFR SALLDHAZ1BF565741 REMLR 245 Land Rover Engineering Vehicle No.2. JRA/LRA.
Original rego OLN-965
Rego was AJ-46-HS in civilian hands.
IPV 48-006 - Senior Commander FFR SALLDHAZ1BF565475 Army -
IPV 48-007 - Personnel Carrier SALLDHAZ1BF565476 Army -
OLE-980 - Personnel Carrier SALLDHAZ1BF565477



Land Rover Engineering Vehicle. JRA / LRA. Later used for Series 3 of the Bush Tucker Man. Later registered as 577-AZU.
50-501 50-501 - LRPV - Army The Strange Tale of 50-501, 502 and 503. Originally built as Air Defence With Winch, Rapier, converted to General Maintenance Vehicle (GMV), and later Converted to LRPV Prototype. Later used in Blast Tests and rebuilt to latest specification.
50-502 50-502 - LRPV - Army The Strange Tale of 50-501, 502 and 503. Originally built as Air Defence With Winch, Rapier, converted to Electronics Repair Vehicle (ERV), and later Converted to LRPV Prototype. Now resides at SASRHC and is the only one in original configuration apart from the LHD V8 LRPV Demonstrator.



- Ambulance - Army The Strange Tale of 50-501, 502 and 503. Originally built as Air Defence With Winch, Rapier, converted to Ambulance
50-555 50-555 - Ambulance - Army The Strange Tale of 50-501, 502 and 503. Originally GS, loaned back to LRA to be developed as the Ambulance Prototype.
Prototype VDQ-254 - Light Green 110 - - Prototype 1 300 TDI concept / prototype vehicle. Sold recently in QLD modified into a Dual Cab. See linked page for more information. 2000 LRM Article
Prototype PR2 - Light Green 110 - - Prototype 2. TD5 powered vehicle.


YNQ-275: An ACT Registered vehicle it is a very early 110, possibly first in Australia. This vehicle was also used for layout and equipment development prior to arrival of first 110s. It was also used for engine/transmission development for the project. A photo of this vehicle appears in this Bushdriver magazine article about the Project Perentie Competitors.

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Source: Bushdriver Magazine

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Copyright: Land Rover

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Copyright: Land Rover

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Copyright: Land Rover

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Copyright: Land Rover


STAGE2: A Series 3 Stage 1, still with leaf springs, built up to a military standard, this vehicle was used as an evaluation vehicle.

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Copyright: Land Rover


YNN-117: This vehicle was coil sprung all round and had a drive through diff on the intermediate axle. This was considered restrictive in terms of axle articulation and further the coil suspension did not lend itself to a load sharing arrangement on the rear axles which without could lead to overload on an axle in extreme conditions with potential resultant failure of chassis, suspension and/or axle. This resulted in the design you see on today's Perentie 6x6.

Once it was determined that its arrangement was not suitable for the intended role, the vehicle was stripped down and a new chassis fabricated in the ultimate Perentie manner. Coils were retained at the front and the rear got the overlapping semi elliptic springs. Much of the bodywork and running gear of the original was used except that it gained an Isuzu at the same time. What was left was sold off including the chassis.

The vehicle with the new fabricated chassis must have retained the Sandringhams identity as it was registered YNN-117 also and continued to be used until the first 110 based 6x6s were built. It was ultimately believed to have been reduced to components and scrapped.

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YNN-117. Copyright Land Rover


ZCF-358: LRA 6x6 Reference Vehicle for Project Perentie. Became Wide Body prototype, then Dual cab prototype. Still owned by LR, NSW rego ZCF-358. Now at Army Museum Bandiana waiting to be repainted in olive drab.
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MMQ248, 50-501, 50-502, 50-503 and 50-555: These four vehicles have a strange tale to tell, to read more open this article written by Glenn Smith.
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What is likely to be 50-501 or 50-502.

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50-501 at Cooma 1998

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50-501 at Cooma 1998

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50-502 at the SASR HC in 2002.

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MMQ248 in original Guise

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MMQ248 in original Guise

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MMQ-248 in WA in the dunes being trialled by SASR in company with a 2A LRPV. From Glenn Smith

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MMQ248 Converted to LRPV.
Photo source and Copyright Unknown.

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MMQ248 Converted to LRPV.
Photo source and Copyright Unknown.

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MMQ248 Converted to LRPV.
Photo source and Copyright Unknown.


OLE-980 : This vehicle was the Engineering Development vehicle for the Personnel Carrier variant of the 110 Perentie. Retained by Land rover, this vehicle later in life was used for the third series of the "Bush Tucker Man" television series as Les' vehicle.

The below photos are from Port Darwin Motors circa 1995.

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Copyright LRA
Copyright: Glenn Smith
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Copyright LRA
Copyright: Glenn Smith
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Copyright LRA
Copyright: Glenn Smith
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Copyright LRA
Copyright: Glenn Smith


PR2 (REMLR name for identification): TD5 powered engine that was nearer in specification to the eventual TD5 vehicles sold to the Australian Army. Pictured on the TD5 page in White and Camouflage as well as lower on this page.

The vehicle currently resides in Katoomba.

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Copyright LRA
Prototype 2 of Light Green
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Copyright LRA
Prototype 2 of Light Green in Camouflage






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