The code 6006 doesn't sit well with me, what with the Unit being a Survey Unit. 6006 and most of its derivatives usually mean a FFR/ FFT (depending on the equipment it carried) and I can't see much necessity for a specialised radio vehicle such as that being of any benefit to a Surveyor.
Some of the 6028 range would fit nicely, perhaps someone a bit slack left the last letter off the census code???
The photograph of the carryall on the back of the Mk 3 on the back of the trailer fits in well with the quotation;
"In July of '69 the 113-130 (6028) is in a MVA and gets a BLR. In Aug '69 a replacement vehicle "was received" and its 174-406 (6028) complete with "Part 1, CES 2007"."
I would suggest that perhaps that carryall may have belonged to the Survey Corps, perhaps the boss had a toothache and his vehicle was photographed outside the Dental Unit, and photographed again at Nui Dat after he had recovered, (More plausible than the dentist travelling up to the Dat to do a job when his more comfortable surgery was at Vungers) and that this vehicle was the one that was involved in an accident and RTA'd under BLR and once again photographed in transit from the Ordnance Depot to its awaiting homeward transport.
Someone somewhere looks to have left a letter off the census code in some part of the recording process.
The photograph Mike C referred to on p26, to me, shows a different coloured roof (white ivory) compared to the pictured vehicle's O/D.