In another thread, Juddy asked if any hardtop Carryalls were used in Vietnam.
The following photos show these vehicles in SVN.
112-829 (thanks Glen
Interestingly, this 1964 Land Rover was 'disposed of' in 1968. A short four year service. As a relatively new vehicle, it could only have been 'struck off charge' due to a serious accident.
The hardtop on the Land Rover shown below looks identical to that of 112-829 (no window glass and rear door). Was this hardtop removed from 112-829 after an accident? The Land Rover the hardtop is sitting on is 114-4?8. I believe the vehicles have been prepared for repatriation back to Australia.
The following photo shows a Panel Van at a US airbase in SVN. No ARN unfortunately.
This Panel Van is seen parked outside the FWMAO Building: Free World Military Assistance Organisation building in Saigon, SVN. There appears to be a second white roof hardtop Land Rover in the centre of the five Land Rovers located to the right corner of the parking lot.
This military Carryall was commandeered to perform Royal Mail duties during it's time in SVN.
The following photos show civilian hardtop land Rovers in SVN. It would be easy to misidentify these vehicles as military as they were seen in all areas of the Australian involvement in SVN.
Sign on side of hardtop says -
? of Australia. Any ideas?