Hi Pete. Just had lovely day, very busy; 3 big loads to the tip. Under the house we found some old 12/1956 marked 40mm ammo box (with varnished rounds??) and what I was told was a army mechanics table with folding legs. Hardwood and weighty. Intersting design, maybe dates to the 50s or 60s as well. Got them home to put to use - seems they are family heirlooms now.
As to the new data, yes the master dbase should be able to handle it and grow with the .pdf refs and photo refs. There are trailer and Acco ARNs and a years work.
I remember someone from RAE Steele at Holsworthy saying they had missed the boat as a big skip went to the tip but that he had got the second load before it left or something. "We" lost a ton of vehicle records he said sadly. At the time I was looking for ARN records and anything to do with Series 2 and 2A in the 60s. That was 20 years back. Now look at the info coming in. Its a big win I think.
So far, in the data notes I have made this week, I think you can notice a definite repetitive pattern of Vietnam vehicles with no REMLR ownership then a batch of REMLR vehicles then another slab of Vietnam vehicles. One of the reasons has got to be the salt water factor mentioned in the other thread.