This is my 1971 Workshop, it is unrestored and in great condition. Snce purchasing it I have not had to do a single thing to it, simply maintain what is there to be enjoyed.
The interior of the rear body has had most of the fittings still in place I would like to find a picture of what the interior looked like fitted out. I have been collecting a lot of parts to hopefully one day getting it back to how it was used. Currently it is a fantastic locked shed on wheels that I keep all my Fire Truck parts in. According to the ARN list there were only two late 2a's in this configuration, 6040H Arc/Gas Welding Shop, with it being a late release it has survived really well. I purchased it from a bloke who used it to pick up animal feed, he said it was good as it kept the rain off the feed.
ARN 178-064