I had a call from Max in Goulburn last night. He has an ex Navy 1981 Toyota Stout in good condition that he is trying to find information on.
As you can see from the pics it looks to be in great original condition and really shows what the Navy Sky Blue colour is actually like. It is a 1981 model and was sold a auction in 1986 and then sold and registered in Goulburn the same year.
These vehicles were used on various bases as general utility vehicles carting gear around. There were also issued to ships when alongside Navy establishements and bases like Garden Island as their stores/engineering vehicles. Navy Police also used them and the cage on the back of this one is also Navy so may indicate it was a Naval Police vehicle. The cage would have been canvas covered.

Max is trying to track down its ZN Commonwealth number plate and any other information people may have on it - the number plate would be a start to chase up other information.
Does anyone know if there is a central location where old Commonwealth number plates and vehicles can be researched or other general information researched.