Author Topic: Mystery S2A LRPV Rim  (Read 7497 times)


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Mystery S2A LRPV Rim
« on: May 26, 2012, 11:30:28 AM »
I am mystified by this rim that was mounted on LRPV 179-520. It has large bolts inserted around the inner ridge. The rim must be of the 'split' variety but which type. If you compare this rim with the standard army rim shown below, it appears to be deeper dished. The tyre side walls do not have the same curvature. Could it be a rim manufactured to accommodate a 9.00x16in tyre.

Any ideas? Update: Austin Champ rim as suggested by Dennis  :D

LRPV 179-520 rim.

Austin Champ rim.

Standard army rim.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 10:11:57 PM by Tommy »

Offline DennisM

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Re: Mystery S2A LRPV Rim
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2012, 12:05:35 PM »
I would be thinking more Autin Champ rim, cheers


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Re: Mystery S2A LRPV Rim
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2012, 12:58:09 PM »
Spot on. Thanks Dennis  :D

I have inserted a photo of a Champ rim into my first post. You can even see the indentations around the ridge.

It would appear that the SASR boys used these rims. For what purpose I do not know.

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Re: Mystery S2A LRPV Rim
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2012, 04:12:44 PM »
G'day All,
The Austin 'Champ' rims certainly look different on a Land Rover, I have a friend who has a full set on his 109Wksp Land Rover.
I would suspect that they were ??either trying them out?? so to speak, as it's certainly easier to change a flat tyre with a split "Combat" type rim as opposed to the normal Land Rover 272309 rim, just my thoughts on the subject, cheers Dennis

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Re: Mystery S2A LRPV Rim
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2012, 02:32:29 AM »
I am mystified by this rim that was mounted on LRPV 179-520. It has large bolts inserted around the inner ridge. The rim must be of the 'split' variety but which type. If you compare this rim with the standard army rim shown below, it appears to be deeper dished. The tyre side walls do not have the same curvature. Could it be a rim manufactured to accommodate a 9.00x16in tyre.

Any ideas? Update: Austin Champ rim as suggested by Dennis  :D

Austin Champ rim.

I thought the Champ had the tyre swinging on the passenger side?

<<<Edit>>> just saw the writing and numbers when I posted my query, obviously photo flipped for a better comparison with LRPV photo!
(remlr 235 / MVCA 9)*88"-'63 .S2A--c6005  x 2-"Horrie"-112-769, & "The Vet"-112-429(-Vietnam-PRE 1ATF '65)
(unnamed)--109"--'56 .S1 (ute)(future project --88"--'66--S2A-as UN CIVPOL.) 80"-49,53 PARTS, 80"-50,52 , 1 x 109 s3, "Hans" 1 x 88 s3, AND 1 X 110 - 2012 "BEAR"


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Re: Mystery S2A LRPV Rim
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2012, 10:20:24 PM »
G'day All,
The Austin 'Champ' rims certainly look different on a Land Rover, I have a friend who has a full set on his 109Wksp Land Rover.
I would suspect that they were ??either trying them out?? so to speak, as it's certainly easier to change a flat tyre with a split "Combat" type rim as opposed to the normal Land Rover 272309 rim, just my thoughts on the subject, cheers Dennis


I have spoken to numerous ex SASR VM (vehicle mounted) soldiers who expressed their utter frustration at the number of punctures the LRPVs suffered whilst on exercise out in virgin bush. The VM lads spent a disproportionate amount of 'down time' repairing or replacing staked tyres. Maybe someone suggested they try the split rim from the Champ. I have never seen a Champ rim on any LRPV so maybe this single rim was for trial only.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 10:23:32 PM by Tommy »

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Re: Mystery S2A LRPV Rim
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2012, 11:35:33 AM »

Is it possible that the Champ rims were taken off and standard 272309's fitted prior to auction and they were or are still in use as the bolt pattern is still the same, there could still be a stash of champ rims in their store or they were auctioned off as, Rims vehicle,16", 5 stud landrover pattern  ;) as was the windscreens for the 106 RCL trucks I saw at an auction years ago,"Windscreens Rover Mk1" a whole pallet of them, which did not receive a bid, and were dumped at the tip with other unsold stuff.



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Re: Mystery S2A LRPV Rim
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2012, 07:37:42 PM »

Is it possible that the Champ rims were taken off and standard 272309's fitted prior to auction and they were or are still in use as the bolt pattern is still the same, there could still be a stash of champ rims in their store or they were auctioned off as, Rims vehicle,16", 5 stud landrover pattern  ;) as was the windscreens for the 106 RCL trucks I saw at an auction years ago,"Windscreens Rover Mk1" a whole pallet of them, which did not receive a bid, and were dumped at the tip with other unsold stuff.


G'day Kevin

I can only think that the SASR trialed the Champ split rim to determine it's effectiveness and ease of use compared with the standard military rim. The Champ rims may have been a 'lead in' split rim for the current fleet of LRPVs.

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Re: Mystery S2A LRPV Rim
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2012, 12:40:09 AM »
Gun Buggy windscreens dumped at the tip!!!!!


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Re: Mystery S2A LRPV Rim
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2012, 09:44:39 AM »
That's what i thought too  :(

I bet Uncle Ho wished he had put a $1 bid on now  ;)