Had to buy a new brake light switch.
The position of the switch atop the brake pedal box leaves the terminals exposed and I inadvertently clipped it with the sleeve of my coveralls and was surprised to discover it had snapped one terminal off at its base.
The horror...
They’re an awesome switch too, tough as nails, but unfortunately the exposed terminals let them down, or rather, don’t protect them from dickheads messing around under the bonnet.
Been reflecting on the cause for the failure of the original Davies Craig digital electric water pump and thermo fan controller.
The only thing I discovered when replacing the old controller with the fancy new one, and it caught my eye right away while pulling out the old wiring, was that one terminal pin in the temperature sensor was badly corroded. It’s the one which is mounted in the top radiator hose and is the primary data source for the Davies Craig controller.
I’ll be keeping an eye on that.
I note that the old plug connector which attached to the temp sensor had a turd of a clip which secured it to the sensor. The clip made the removal of the connector a hassle so once in place it was left alone coz of the voodoo...
This new wiring loom came with a new design of connector which has the turd of a clip suspended away from the connector and to unplug it you just lift the exposed turd of a clip, which is now lovely, wonderful, magic clip, and bingo, it disengages the sender with nary a single curse word. It’s great.