Sorry Mick, missed that, after 2 months I catch up with it. Ah well.
This week was action stations because its close to Melbourne Cup and vegie planting time..
I now have a snow pea jungle going gangbusters. Its close to 12 weeks after planting. I was clueless and planted them too close with no room to use the water bottle idea. I have been eating the snowpeas this week.
I spent time this week preparing the last 2 vegie beds for planting (seeding next week or as soon as I can).
I caught sight of the Light Horse re-enactors and Cav contingent in ANZAC Parade commemorating 100 years since the Battle Of Beersheba.

(The Cav berets made me remember a 12th/16th Hunter River Lancers' Guidon Parade we attended up in Muswellbrook. Pride of place was given to an old square metre model of the battlefield under glass in the shed where all the M113s were. That was the one and only time I got a ride in a bucket, and it was in the streets of Muswellbrook. After the parade the day must've come over all hot or something -everyone drank a lot of beer that day).
A couple of days later I heard the band again, somewhere in the distance, the bass drum beats coming over the river on the breeze. At the AWM they were celebrating 75 years since the Kokoda Track:, the gardening group is in full swing. All the members who have allotments are very busy. At least the weather is still pretty cool. When we begin getting hot days, 30 deg and over, I am informed that the snowpeas will go all Norwegian Blue and become ex-peas... then its time to redo that lattice further apart and plant the tomato seedlings.