REMEMBER the forum is not EBAY
Advertising is RESTRICTED to members listed with the REMLR Registry and have a registry No.
A minimum of 10 posts must be made before advertising is allowed.
The REMLR Committee or their representative may remove any advertising.
Format should be
1. Item description
2. Pictures as detailed as possible.
3. all negotiations by email or PM, Mobile if you want
Commercial (full-time commerce) - Members who make a living from their business: May advertise in the Suppliers Shed and/or on the vendor thread in the Registrants Area.
Non Commercial (part-time commerce) - Members who derive a secondary income from ebay, Gumtree etc sales: May advertise in the Suppliers Shed and/or on the vendor thread in the Registrants Area.
Member Sales (hobby) - Members who make 'pocket money' from replicating/selling/wrecking parts etc. A Hobby Member sale would not have an associated public premesises and website advertising the same goods for sale: May Advertise in for sale section.
Advertising that is deemed to be spam will deleted