Using photobucket ( updated today

Thanks Tommy)
This is what I to do:
Step 1 - Goto
http://www.photobucket.comStep 2 - Fill in 'Sign Up' and click next
Step 3 - Fill in additional info (name,email etc) and click ’Done’
Step 4 - You will now be at the upload page. Click ‘Upload’ button
Step 5 - Click on the ‘Select Photos and Videos’ button
Step 6 - Locate your photo in the computer file/folder you have it stored in and double click on chosen photo.
Step 7 - Your chosen photo will now upload. When the upload is complete click on ‘Save and Continue to My Album’
Step 8 - Locate photo and place cursor over the image.
Step 9 - Click ‘edit’
Step 10 - Click on ‘adjustment’ then click on ‘resize’
Step 11 - In the ‘width’ box below the image, type in 650. Click on ‘apply’. This will give you a good sized photo to post onto forum.
Step 12 - Click ‘Save and Replace’ at top LH corner. Your image is now ready.
Step 13 - Go back to the Photobucket album your photo is in.
To post photo on forum follow these steps:
Step 1 - Go to forum page you wish to add thread or post reply.
Step 2 - Commence writing info, for eg Hi everyone, I have this photo I wish to show you.
Step 3 - Open a separate browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox etc) page
Step 4 - Goto
http://www.photobucket.comStep 5 - Log In
Step 6 - Go to the album you loaded the picture into and place cursor over the chosen image and a box will open
Step 7 - Right mouse click on the IMG code and it will automatically copy the image code
Step 8 - Go back to the forum thread/post you were writing
Step 9 - Place cursor below text and left mouse click and choose ‘paste’
Step 10 - A whole bunch of letters and numbers will appear. This is the photo ID
Step 11 - Post thread or reply and your message and photo will appear
Step 12 - All done
Additional info – If you have multiple images to upload to your Photobucket album, use the ‘Bulk Uploader’ option. This will appear in the ‘Upload to Photobucket’ page.
Additional Info – You may choose to resize your images whilst they are still on your computer. This can be done by using your photo imaging software. I find that images set to a width of 650 pixles are a good size for forums.
or you can resize once loaded to photobucket (retaining a full sized image on your computer) by
1. hovering over the image, choose "edit" from the blue menu under the picture,
2. then choose "switch to advanced edition" under the picture,
3. then choose "image size" from the dropdown "image" menu along the top of the picture.
4. 640 x 480 megapixels is a size accepted by most forums and displays well on the screen in forum pages.