To help new enthusiasts join REMLR, below is a brief description of how to join the different levels, any querries please PM me and I will assist.
1. FORUM - you are now here, join up to fully participate in discussions.
2. REMLR -
Registrant - Registering with REMLR is free of charge, and gives you access to a wealth of information about Ex-Military Land Rovers and other vehicles used by Australian forces at home and abroad. This level will also give you access to the Registrants only area of the forum. then; information for members/REMLR Registration form, follow the instructions. You will then be registered and given a registrants number, OR go straight here REMLR Inc -
Member - REMLR is managed by a small committee, elected from a pool of financial members. If you wish to have voting rights or to stand for election, you need to pay a $5 p.a. nominal fee to become a financial member. then; information for members/REMLR membership forms, follow the instructions