I have just joined REMLR and wondering if ,after all this time, you still have any amplifier/power supplies
left for sale?
I am gathering the units needed to put together a VRC-64 Vietnam war era radio. Also am adding an RF amplifier
type PP-770, called a range booster. This amplifier requires the AM-1777 and NOT the AM-2050, because the cable
pin-outs are different. Apparently, the PP-770 is of European origin and does not come under the USA system.
There is an emotional aspect to this as I served a year in Nam (1967-68 ) flying Caribou cargo/passenger aircraft.
We made many trips to Special Forces outposts,who talked to us using the VRC-53/64 radios.
Can you help? Thanks for listening. Nick. VK4YT. watnickling@bigpond.com