Hot Hot Hot it was... took 2 hours to get the jeep working so we were later arriving, I was a little surprised to see people packing up at 11am. Very few Land Rovers around, If it was not for Mrs HH display if would have been even more thinly spread, First time I got to see Bills Radar Workshop, looking old but tidy, and a great trailer too. I preferred Friday and I was told more vehicles took part on Saturday, Its a shame the Jeep club of QLD , only run this event as a Swop meet, this really means nothing to the general public, and as such hardly attracts visitors, but I get the feeling thats the way they like it, its there thing and I am sure what they are doing works well for them, just feel it could offer more.......
I think a few State wide REMLR events each year would be go down well, or a mix of civilian and military event.
anyhow heres a few pictures from today.