Ok, we have two australian ambulances that are listed as sold to NZ in the ARN books, but apparently a further five were bought by the NZ army.
I managed to confirm yesterday the arn of the ambulance at the NZ Army Museum, and the chassis number is not that of an australian one, so I am thinking that perhaps these 5? were built as well as the australian vehicles?
Details on
http://www.remlr.com/ARN/ARNs_NZ.php but AS5435 / NZ31646 is the one at the museum. Pics of another appeared on facebook recently and looks very original, but I am unable to identify it at this stage.
EDIT: I have just been reminded that the 5 NZ ambulances, and their altenator reworks are already on the contracts page
http://www.remlr.com/numbers.html and that I have forgotten as much as I remember LOL. Still need chassis numbers for 3 of the others.
Now I just need to work out where the 80 ambulance bodies "free in aid" went to......