Hi everyone.
A while back Diana Alan loaned me a stack of original RPS and Operator Handbooks for the Inters and also the Mercedes 4x4 Fire Truck RPS.
The whole lot filled one of those boxes that the reams of blank A4 paper comes in. They were in almost perfect condition, and were far easier to read than the different scanned versions we have in the REMLR library or I have found on the net.
I pulled them all apart and scanned them as high quality Jpeg files, to keep the detail. I tried doing this through the auto sheet feeder, but it just wouldn't keep the pages straight, so I gave up and did them manually.
These manuals were printed as double sided pages, so it took ages.
When finished, I recompiled them as PDF documents. There are 2 versions of each file, one as a High Quality document, and another as a Medium Quality document. You will see the difference in the names.
My reasoning was that people would generally be happy to use the MQ version for every-day use, as they are fairly clear and are a smaller size file, so easier for PC's or tablet devices to work with.
The HQ versions are handy where it is hard to make out a part number or the drawing isn't so easy to understand. You can zoom in a lot closer before it gets grainy. Some of these files are pretty large, but you only have to download them once.
If you want to print a paper copy, I suggest you use the HQ version. Many of the original RPS manuals had a diagram on one side, and the parts breakdown on the facing page. This makes it easier to look up part numbers on things like the engine or transmission, as you don't have to keep scrolling up 10 pages to find the diagram to check a number. You only ever need to go up one page. To keep the file size down on the MQ versions, I took all the extra image pages out, so you only have the one image at the start of each section and have to scroll up more. All of the existing scanned versions are like this, so you won't see any difference, except my copies are clearer.

I have also included the sheets that list all of the manufacturer/suppliers that the codes in the RPS refer to, where known. One of the scanned copies mI found on the net has a few pages of codes/names, but they were all mixed up. I put them all in a spreadsheet and sorted them so it's easy to match them up.
I also put a clickable index into each RPS so it's easy to find the section you are looking for. I have set the PDF to open with the index visible, so if you close it, you're on your own to work out how to view it again.

For now, I have them all stored on my Onedrive account and will put links to them below. Eventually I will get some hosted web space and move them there. I'll update the links when I do.
Due to the large size of the files, I don't expect REML to host them. Once I get them to their final home, we could put a copy of the link to them in the REML Library, if people think them suitable.
I have included a full copy of the MK3 Workshop manual, with a lot of EMEI's in the back. It is the one from the net that was split into a lot of separate chapters. I just put it back together to make it easier to use.
I've never found a better or newer copy.
If anyone has any other original manuals that aren't listed below, and are ok with me pulling them apart to scan, send me a PM.
Just a tip. Don't left-click the links. Right-click and choose Save As, to save a copy to your PC. A couple of the HQ versions are a bit over 400mb.F1 & F2 User Handbook HQF1 & F2 User Handbook MQRPS Truck Cargo 2.5ton GS 4x4 w-Winch MK4 HQOk, looks like I can only post 3 URL links per post.