Gday Stewart,the classic carby guy,Gavin,has some N&S with a tail for hose to go on and u may be able to just put enough of a bend on it to clear,so will look at this option as well their about 20 dollars each,he did try various bends and unions etc but they all stuck out way too far,with the truck still 200 odd ks away i cant get an exact distance from 1 carb to the next till i go back up and try to refit everything,i will check out the xu-1 angle as well, thanks.
I have cleaned and sorted all hyd bits and pieces some new cyls for clutch and new cups and seals for brake m/cyls so should have that sorted when we go back up and get it m/cyl has been stainless resleeved before and the other had what looked like a brass sleeve,both good enough for re-use.
We didnt get it to run for long enuff before so we may still have other probs such as water pump,leakey radiator ,hoses etc to contend with yet,may mean another trip back home before we attempt any distance drives,at worst we will load on our ex army Ford Cargo to get it home.