here a few images of the past 3 days, as we have had little or no nbn service it has been worse than the slowest daze on the old dial up system, they still have renew some wires out along the full length of the street, Hmm time will tell, anyway on to more pressing things.
I think I said that I needed to remove the left guard as I couldn't get my fingers/wrists to flex far enough to put back 4 manifold bolts, so there was about a 15 minute delay whilst I undid the wires for lights then 15 bolts of various sizes all of which came undone easy as because they had been coated in never seize, the bolts in question were the 2 sets either side of the hot box, image showing exhaust and dipstick now back in place
the issue I had with the fan belt, the image shows the old belt and as you can see it's nowhere near long enough, the distance between the center line of the C/shaft and the later 9 bolt water pump is significant
anyway everything had been re-connected and the engine started only to see a oil leak on the concrete, nothing unusual about that it's just marking it's spot, a quick look and I could see where it came from, now I have no recollection of undoing this banjo bolt at all, but that's where the leak came from, maybe I should have pulled the engine, pressure washed it and repainted it, as that Yellow colour was the colour of the block when I first got this back in 2003
it was time to refit the left guard and bonnet
and about 40 minutes later with the brush bar back in place, it looks like a S 2 C/R again
I still need to source a new bottom rad/hose, hopefully my mate John T has in his shed, cheers Dennis