Well, a bit of progress and another problem.
This afternoon it stopped raining for a while so I had another go getting the driver's side brake master cylinder off.
I had already managed to remove one nut and bolt completely, and the nut off the bolt coming through from the inside.
I tried to use a drift and hammer to knock the bolt back through, but I couldn't get a good angle and it seemed really stuck tight.
I got up on top and removed one of the short decking boards right over the cross-member that stops me getting at things from underneath.

With the board out, I was able to get a socket and ratchet on the nut and by turning it one tiny click at a time, I was eventually able to undo it.
With that out, I thought I should be able to just slide the master cylinder out, but the bolts were really tight where they went through the chassis rail and the aluminium casting of the mount.
By smacking it around with the soft-faced hammer for a while, I was able to free it up enough to get the end of a tire lever behind it and levered and wiggled it until it came loose.

It's a bit scruffy, but not badly corroded. I figured I would pull it apart, give it a clean out, sandblast and repaint.
When I opened the air chamber I got a nasty surprise. All the missing brake fluid was in there.

It looks like the rear seal in the master cylinder has failed. At least it is clean brake fluid this time. The diaphragm looks to be in good condition too.
If it isn't raining tomorrow I will strip it all down and see what else needs replacing.
I now have the fuel tank patched, sanded and primed. Tomorrow it will get a top coat and if there is time I will remove the tank mounts and give them a clean-up too.
With those off, I can also clean up the flaky paint along the chassis rail. That should make it look a bit neater.