It seems that I have to rewrite a little history.
We know recently that Prototype 106-947 with the winch and hard top went to Little Desert Nature Lodge and was modified as a tour vehicle. this was the 1 of 2 rebuit into the white bodied prototype.
106-952 however was thought to have been pulled down to make the white bodied vehicle, yet I was given one account of a prototype ending up as a camper. Today updating ARN entries for the stack of photos that were uploaded by Dave Blears from a gentleman whose name embarrasingly ecapes me at the moment, shows 106-952 in a yard of vehicles, and an image of it's data plate. The other vehicles in the yard are almost all white, and the number plate, although blown out in the photo, can be made out to be BTE-453 (perhaps BIE-453). Not sure what state that makes it, but it looks normal series 2 standard, so both pbvious were made into regular series 2 vehicles in the end.