Hopefully not.
When the MUTT arrived it was immobile as the brakes were seized. We got the engine running so that is promising.
Since then I have replaced the water pump, electronic ignition, spark plugs (with the correct type) and leads, distributor cap, engine mounts, temp and oil senders, fuel and oil gauges plus other little odds and ends. Have yet to replace the ball joints, do a carbie rebuild, finish repairing the fuel tank (was like a sieve after sand blasting), make new fuel leads, fit new brake master and slave cylinders, rewire the horn...
After that get it running and find out if there is any bad news in the transmission, etc. Hopefully not...
So, barring issues, I hope to have it mobile about mid-June. Must say I am looking forward to driving it. Had a couple of drives of one last year and that sold me!
PS Have to admit my paint job looks better in the photos than in the flesh

Very nice looking vehicle Howard. Is the engine problem a big issue to sort