There are several types of tool kits according to the unit requirement. A field unit was different to a base unit.
eg tool kit vehicle mechanic lightweight. Comprising a 3 folder type canvas sleeve into which the various tools fitted.Individually issued to each vm at his unit. Small hand tools, spanners etc screwdrivers and a ball pein hammer.And most important for land rovers a 1/2-9/16 ring spanner.
Tool kit vehicle mechanic vehicle was issued to a workshop M113 or a Mk 5, M543 or M816 wrecker to assist a recovery mechanic was in a metal tool box and comprised a full sidchrome socket set, metric and imperial. several hammers, a tension wrench, hacksaw and was more comprehensive.
Tool kit small arms was a light weight kit similar to the above but containing some gun gauges, small arms fitters usually threw it into a metal box for convienience. We often did vm jobs on small motors and generators as well.
Sorry no longer have paper copies of tool kit CES's, just old memories. I can remember more if given time.