Just to help members get the ball rolling... press the buzzer on the counter for help building a shed aka album.
Soon there will be a number of people on the help desk but at the moment there are two. I reckon the more people we help the more there will be on the help desk because once you know how its straightforward stuff.
Frequently asked questions.
*how much does it cost and do you take cheques?
There's no cost, you could just give it a thought when Legacy week comes around and buy an extra badge or something.
*can you fix typos or incorrect photo descriptions or dates?
Yes, PM me or Richard.
*What sort of photos? Any hints?
Well the first thing to think about is that some pics are yours to post up and others are not because they belong to someone else. Copyright. Once upon a time the internet was a free-for-all because it wasn't very important. But now everything on the net is "important".
Secondly be aware that some people don't like their family or their face on the internet. Fair enough, its their choice. Always ask, some people want to be on the internet.
I think most REMLR members have the right idea already; when we go to events like Corowa we photograph the vehicles and generally leave people out (or try to at least) ands respect people's privacy "by default''. Someone may surprise you and ask you to wait until they can stand by their vehicle or get in the photo and thats fine, its their choice. At a party or a social its also okay because that's what people can "reasonably expect", but keep in mind the following; when I was a mad keen photographer we were taught to bin any pic that was "unflattering", its a courtesy and its good business and good business pays the bills while bad business breaks lenses. (This could be the reason Wedding and Portrait photography is considered such a skill and so stressful as an occupation).