Author Topic: 114-258 "Wendy"  (Read 8258 times)

Offline Garry

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114-258 "Wendy"
« on: May 22, 2012, 12:44:02 AM »
Well it begins here

I picked up this Workshop in pieces almost a year ago which is a bit scary because of the lack of progress I have made!

The biggest hurdle so far has been the space, or lack there of and over the last 5 months I have been building a shed worthy of such a project which I finished just a few weeks ago

My particular vehicle has a hard top on over the rear platform which the previous owners had the sides removed and replaced with canvas. Not sure on where to go with that one though, to keep or replace with the canvas

I have almost booked the grit blast and prime for the chassis and fire wall which will if all goes to plan happen next week, just waiting on another quote coming in

This should give me time to clean and paint the engine ready for the chassis to come back and get the majors back together that will then allow me to tinker through the week when the wife is at work

What I have managed to do in the last 10 months is stock up on all the rubber bits that have perished and source a new wiring harness as its condition was pretty bad, I have to commend him on the mechanical dismantling though as there are pictures and references to the Haynes manual for almost every screw that was removed so I continued the trend when removing the firewall, engine and all the little brackets and clips on the chassis

I also stocked up on seals, gaskets, screws, washers, window tracks, grommets and all the other little bits that I foreseen to hold up progress. I will of course find the one bit I missed at the most inopportune moment.

The dash gauges have also been refurbished up at Lionel Otto Instruments (no affiliation) and look like new, just awaiting the dash panel to mount them into which will come once I get some of that fancy electrickery stuff in the shed to run a compressor and sand blast cabinet

I cant seem to post any pictures as the upload folder is full

More to come when I get home

« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 02:52:19 PM by Garry »
172-562 1968 Series 2a workshop  "WEE109"
202-261 1997 110 6X6 Assault Pioneer "WEE110"
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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2012, 08:53:58 AM »
Hello Garry,

Dont worry about how long it takes to do, i've been working on tooltime for about 4 years now, they get there eventually. looking forward to seeing some pics.

2A Workshop 172-559 Tasman Warrior

Offline Garry

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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2012, 02:49:41 PM »
Here are some pics, now I can upload them

« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 02:56:51 PM by Garry »
172-562 1968 Series 2a workshop  "WEE109"
202-261 1997 110 6X6 Assault Pioneer "WEE110"
46-413 1988 U1700L "WEEMOG"
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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2012, 08:54:42 AM »

Well the last two days have seen me remove all the bits and pieces from the fire wall and with the exception of the door seals and steering bracket it is all but bare
I have made an executive decision without the wifes involvement to get the seat base and rear cab done at the same time so when I get home in the end of June there will be no stopping me, hopefully

Anyway back to the garage to finish it off before tomorrow

172-562 1968 Series 2a workshop  "WEE109"
202-261 1997 110 6X6 Assault Pioneer "WEE110"
46-413 1988 U1700L "WEEMOG"
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Offline Ellard

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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2012, 09:47:49 AM »
Hi there Garry

Thnaks for the pictures - had a bit of a look on the REMLR site the other day and these trucks were well decked out service vehicles in there day.

Looking forwards to the updates

PS - dont stress how long a resotration project takes - as we are all guilty at time (and they never really finish).



« Last Edit: May 30, 2012, 03:48:05 PM by Ellard »
2 x SI 1958 LWB Fire Engine
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Offline Garry

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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2012, 10:00:45 AM »

PS - dont stress how long a resotration project takes - as we are all guilty at time (and really they never finish).


Trouble is the longer its taking the more I am inclined to look at getting another one, a purchase where we are sure wont take as long to get on the road as the one that is already in the shed. A stange addiction that I think a few of us suffer from

I think the biggest step is the first one after actually making the decision that its going to happen, my big step is tomorrow when the major parts of it get on a trailer to get blasted and primed which in reality is not that expensive given the time and resourses that normally goes in to such a task.
As this is likely the first and last barebone restoration I do I want the hard to get to bits done better than I think I could do so they dont need revisiting a few years down the track

172-562 1968 Series 2a workshop  "WEE109"
202-261 1997 110 6X6 Assault Pioneer "WEE110"
46-413 1988 U1700L "WEEMOG"
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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2012, 10:12:02 AM »
She's looking good Garry, keep up the good work, even if you bought a going one you can still work away on this one.

2A Workshop 172-559 Tasman Warrior

Offline Garry

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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2012, 07:35:43 AM »
Well yesterdays efforts did not go to plan as after removing all the seals and finally having a good look at the firewall I discovered a few holes which will hinder the progress until it has been repaired, thankfully so far that is the only rust that has been found that is not superficial

The trip to the sand blasters will now be next week as they are too busy to look at it now but will have it finished upon my return form work which is still good, just give me something else to do my first week home
I bought the engine paint yesterday so will have a bash at that before I head off to work next week, I will just have to move the engine the 20 or so meters between sheds which might involve the help from my neighbour and his tractor

Another day in the life of a ......................................

« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 07:37:25 AM by Garry »
172-562 1968 Series 2a workshop  "WEE109"
202-261 1997 110 6X6 Assault Pioneer "WEE110"
46-413 1988 U1700L "WEEMOG"
204-014 PT2-2

Offline Garry

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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2012, 02:58:36 PM »

Here are a couple of pics of the doors after a bit of sanding

The driver side has a white diamond withe what looks like a 4 (something) 2 on it, it appears as if the numbers were painted over the Diamond. I would appreciate any comments on the thing inbetween the 4 and 2

The passenger door has a white square, nothing else so far

172-562 1968 Series 2a workshop  "WEE109"
202-261 1997 110 6X6 Assault Pioneer "WEE110"
46-413 1988 U1700L "WEEMOG"
204-014 PT2-2

Offline zulu delta 534

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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2012, 07:44:04 PM »
Garry, I would be tempted to say that your vehicle may have spent a bit of time as a F1a or Loan vehicle in later stages of its life, as the two door markings represent different ownership, the square denoting HQ whereas the diamond represents 2 or B squadron, troop Platoon, battery or whatever- and the black numbers that overpaint the diamond were applied at a later time and designate something else again. (Black paint was used where camouflage was necessary and more recently, whereas the white markings were used domestically on bases where camouflage wasn't so important.) This makes me think that a number of units may have "owned" this vehicle over a time pointing to a loan vehicle that saw a number of parent units, more than likely with reserve units on exercises.
I say Reserve units , not in a derogatory way, but because in the days of S2as, reserves were mainly CMF units and only met on weekends and it makes a lot of economic sense to hold required vehicles in a pool to be used when needed, rather than allocate a large number of vehicles that may not be used on a regular basis and would deteriorate by being idle to sit at a CMF base.
Vehicles usually do not reach F1A status from new, but rather in later stages of their life when unit requirements drop, so there is every chance that the original unit may have marked it early in its life under a few consequent coats of paint.
Keep rubbing back gently and you may be lucky enough to find a common marking on both doors that may tell you more.
A Tac sign or a number on a Tac sign holder would tell you more.

Offline Garry

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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2012, 11:47:12 PM »

Glen, mate I am not too happy about what you are saying about my princess. How many battalions was that?

I jest. I rubbed through 5 layers on the passenger door and found only the white square and the fact my arm started hurting

Going from the previous owner I was not under the impression it was a decorated vehicle as such and more of a base vehicle so to speak so I am not surprised I have found proof of many past affiliations. I should get in contact again as the moment is sometimes lost when one hands over the keys

I have the TAC plates some where so will give them a going over tomorrow and see what turns up.

Thanks again mate

172-562 1968 Series 2a workshop  "WEE109"
202-261 1997 110 6X6 Assault Pioneer "WEE110"
46-413 1988 U1700L "WEEMOG"
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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2012, 08:19:16 AM »
G'day Garry,

Try the TAC plates but also the TAC plate holders as they quite often have something on them, also try rubbing back behind the front whell arches as "Christmas Trees" are often there under coats of paint, quite often there could be 2 or 3 Christmas trees under different coats.......

Sometimes there is nothing on a vehicle anywhere so you've done well to find some indentification so far.

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Offline Garry

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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2015, 12:25:05 AM »

So its been a while and not a lot of progress, primarily because me and the good wife decided to leave home because the kids moved in but I bought my first tin of protec camouflage paint today and will start with painting the wheels. Now I have tried searching including my best friend Google but do I need to thin the paint for the first coat?

The next 6 weeks should see Workshop Wendy back to a running chassis state all painted if I can master a spray gun


172-562 1968 Series 2a workshop  "WEE109"
202-261 1997 110 6X6 Assault Pioneer "WEE110"
46-413 1988 U1700L "WEEMOG"
204-014 PT2-2

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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2015, 08:21:29 AM »
Hi Garry.
Not sure about thinning the first coat. I've read that most people using this paint in a spray gun do thin it though. Remember to use turps, not thinners, or you are likely to get a high gloss finish.
Here's a link to the tech data sheet for the paint.

I've been using it on my MK3 Inter, and it goes on really evenly. If you get it a bit thick and cause a run, just wipe it off with a dry rag and redo it. As long as it doesn't get to dry, it blends right in.

I have been using Wattyl Super Etch under it. It's a bit of a pain, as you have to use thinners to clean everything up and the fumes are nasty if you aren't careful, but it seems to really bind to the metal.

Another thing I have found is that the Camo paint seems soft and easy to scratch or mark at first. After a few days with sun on it though, it hardens up.


Offline Garry

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Re: 114-258 "Wendy"
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2015, 11:35:01 PM »

Well I thinned the paint 10% with Turps and for my first go I think it went really well, I went off to work now for a few weeks and forgot to take a picture but will post some up in a few weeks.

I will be sure to leave for longer next time as lost a bit of the paint getting the tyres on.


172-562 1968 Series 2a workshop  "WEE109"
202-261 1997 110 6X6 Assault Pioneer "WEE110"
46-413 1988 U1700L "WEEMOG"
204-014 PT2-2