Thanks Charlie and Mick.
I was going to repair my window top but when I cur out the cross bar it was really too far gone. I could knock up a new cross bar but it is a lot of mucking around with bending required etc. So I will just pay for a new one.
I rang AJ this morning and he does have a door top so I am getting one form him. Craddocks can do a bit cheaper but theirs are repros where AJs are new old stock. plus I would prefer to support local suppliers where I can and AJ has served me well in the past.
He doesn't have a door bottom but mine is structurally sound but badly dented and the capping has 4" taken out of it but I can fix that.
I also bought a couple of other things from AJ as well - noting he not only sells 101 stuff but has items for all types of Land Rover stuff.