Hi All,
Iv'e been doing some research on the topic of getting the old gorls to go a bit quicker without blowing the engine.
I'd like to gauge opinion and thoughts on the topic as well as the pros /cons and experiances had.
First option, Higher ratio Diff's,
To me this is the entry level and cheapest fix to get the engine happy whilst being to maintain a speed of 80-90kph
Second would be a higher ratio transfer case, the one ive got info on claims a 31% overdrive with 1st un changed, 24% rpm drop per gear with 100 kph obtainable under 4000 rpm.
To me this sounds like a wonderful option, no mess no fuss and by rights should be fairly economical.
Third would be the bolt on overdrive units, My understanding of these is (limited i'll admit) that its basically like a splitter box Eg, you would have 1st, 1.5, 2nd, 2.5, 3rd, 3.5, 4th and 4.5 thus allowing an optionally higher ratio between each standard gear.
These to me sound useful but somewhat limited in application unless perhaps combined with the Diff option.
also having seen the price for second hand units, aswel as the new roamerdrive units mentioned a while ago make this seem like the least economical. aswel as the downside of another knob to use, loss of the pto be it for winch or shaft.
Another that was mentioned to me was the old electric overdrives, as of yet i haven't looked into.
I for one if i had the cash, would be inclined to try the transfer case option, perhaps in conjunction with a diff ratio change to suit.
Your thoughts Gents?