Author Topic: Renactment groups, obsessions  (Read 1956 times)

Offline Carzee

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Renactment groups, obsessions
« on: December 12, 2014, 10:47:00 PM »
I have been looking at some uniform prices on feebay. Everything is rare and authentic. And pricey too.

Along the way I was reminded that we Landy owners may have our obsessions and desires to preserve and document everything we can... but it turns out other people have the same degree of dedication in every area from helmets and boots to Corps buttons and Victorian dresses too.

This is Renoir's masterpiece from 1881. I like it ..

But what if you really like the fashions and life in the painting?

This is a 3D sculptured experience of the painting. Detailed work.

These people in NE USA want to live in that time and culture preserved in the painting.

So its proved. We're perfectly normal.

« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 10:48:42 PM by Carzee »