G'day Ellard

That strap also has a buckle similar to that fitted to the rear canopy straps to be able to secure the windscreen tightly to the bonnet pads, that brush bar and possibly the winch could have been an inservice fittment, as the brush bar was retro fitted to most of the Comm Reconns I have the Nomenclature Plate of 110-379 (143901276- Contract 104337-16-12-58 it was sold out 16-2-68 possibly to DCA) long since gone to LR heaven and it had both a brush bar,a govt built hard top made from flat ali sheet rivetted to the hood frame,and was still fitted with the 2 litre side/overhead motor, from memory under it's cream paintwork it was ORANGE

so possibly airfield duties by Civil Avaition
it came from a private Brisbane sale, so, was I suspect ex-Brisbane airport