and the end result should look like this

A couple of things are niggling me about this vehicle. Firstly the pictured vehicle (above) looks like a S2 that has had its guards cut (and not necessarily by a base workshop) and shows what seems to be an exhaust system from a 2 Litre engine. This means to me that that particular vehicle may not be army but more than likely a Commonwealth registered survey vehicle. "C" Plates.
Does your vehicle have any other structural differences to a standard GS done pre delivery that you can see to warrant its separate census number? External Jerry can holders, internal water tanks or the likes of such, that sort of thing?
The reason I ask this question is that generally a short base GS was simply a 6005 with a suffix added on to denote certain amendments. (eg. a field ambulance was 6005A, a gunbuggy was a 6005B - there were really no
structural differences underneath, whereas the early shortbase workshop vehicles had power take offs, different voltages, welders, gas etc and were classed as 6011-19 etc. to denote structural differences)
I am simply interested and wondering what other mods were carried out on your base vehicle to warrant this different nomenclature, as in my time I had no contact with Survey, they were an unknown quantity.