Worked in a very cramped space today in an effort to find the cause of this mess

back tracking a few weeks, this Land Rover failed on Anzac day (25th April), it had been fitted with a new carburetor, it ran fine for approx. 3 k's then suddenly stopped, so it was parked up with some effort and left until I had either the time or inclination to look at it.
Yesterday I removed the carburetor only to find that I took it apart it had a quantity of fine red dirt/sand/grit/rubbish in the float bowl, not a good sign at all, so it was stripped right down, blown out with air, then re-assembled.
This morning I removed the fuel bowl, which as you saw t'was full of *&%^$, so the next item was remove some of the fittings from the seat box base to gain access to the top of the fuel tank, remove 6 screws that hold the fuel gauge sender, peer in with a torch, YUK what a mess.
The only cure for it was to remove the tank, but it is in a very tight spot with not much room to move about in

it didn't take long to remove the tank after I had drained approx. 3 lt's fuel out, it stank to high heaven gave me a headache and made me feel nauseated (phew++++++) anyway pushing on as you have to, because if you don't do it who will.
Out with my 'Stihl' pressure washer, giving the insides of the tank a *&%^$ good wash, an awful lot of discoloured *&%^$ came out through the bung in the bottom of the tank, I think I have got rid of most of it, at the moment the tank is upside down draining
hopefully it will be sunny over the next few days and it dries out, then off to the Central coast to buy some 'Red Kote' to seal the base n sides of the tank, anyway that's been part of my day, cheers Dennis