A couple of people have asked me about aftermarket wheels on Perentie vehicles, whether it be as replacements or as upgrades for a runabout and I came by some information regarding the rims in relation to the development of the 110 and 6x6 fleet.
Naturally, a plethora of rimes from Series vehicles, through to normal 110, discovery and range rovers will fit the Perentie/bushranger fleet of 110's. Even some UK and wolf rims ara available if you like the looks of them, however these are all certainly a case of user beware and I will explain why.
The wheels manufactured by ROH in Australia for the Perentie/Bushranger fleet are actually somewhat heavier than their series or 110 counterparts from the UK, and are made of a higher quality material. During the development of the Perentie it was found that standard UK rims when used on the Perentie resulted in significant cracking of the rim. I can only imaging the horrifying outcome should a wheel on any vehicle completely failed at speed. So these rims were never specified for use on the 110 Perentie, and ROH in Australia got the nod to make the stronger rims as a result. Even the Wolf Rims I am told have not been certified for fitment to the Perentie fleet.
So while all of these rims will fit on your vehicle, do so with at least some knowledge of the risks involved. Also worth considering is that most insurance companies would be likely to nullify your policy in the event of an accident if the vehicle is fitted with rims that were not approved for use on that vehicle.
That is my public service announcement for the day, and something that will in time find it's way on the the relevant page on the REMLR main website.
Update: part numbers below are not approved for use on Perentie and Bushranger vehicles.
- ANR1534
- ANR1534 6.5J: Tubeless
- ANR5593
- ANR4583 Wolf Rim