There are 3 levels of membership in REMLR
There is no need to own an ex-mil vehicle for any level of membership just to have an interest in them
1. Forum member, you can post, ask questions and generally look around.
To keep forum membership please log on at least once per year or accounts will be deleted.2. REMLR Registrant become a registrant and receive a REMLR no, again no need to own a vehicle but as this register is used to keep a record of vehicle ownership most registrants also own a vehicle. Also gives access to registrants area.
3. Member of REMLR Inc this has a fee of $5.00 and allows you to vote in general and AG meetings and have more of a say in the running of the REMLR website and forum.
for membership forms go here click on members information the forms can be down loaded form here.
All forms should be emailed to
If you are unsure of anything please contact any member of the committee or the membership officer