The S2 has some writing on the off side windscreen. Also, the little cut out in the grille mesh, for civvy bonnet opening lever access, is covered in a circle-of-mesh-looking-affair.
It is a flat, solid, pivoted plate with a slight bump at the bottom that can be swivelled to give access to the release. The whole grille is covered with a "Chaff-guard" that is flywire type mesh in a pressed aluminium surround. Both vehicles are fitted with the "chaff-guard".
I remember having seen a photo of a Topographical Survey vehicle also fitted with the "chaff-guard" (available as an optional equipment part from Land Rover) - could be in the REMLR photos somewhere, will have a look.
Here: the Repair Parts Scale 02017 mentioned:
•Guard, mesh, protection, insect and grass 332440 (Fine stainless mesh as per factory accessories catalogue)
Look at the photo of the front of the vehicle ( - someone may be able to insert it here (Tx

) where you can see the perimeter frame and circular cover plate.