Tommy - the memories of Floreat Forum!!!!!
I remember that Staghound very well as I went to Floreat Park school. I watched the center being built and was amazed then the Stag arrived.
I remember too well the brass handle that rotated the turret (before they welded it up!) and I remember how many young heads and necks got caught when the turret was being rotated
I was there when decimal currency came in so it was mid to late 60's.
Again, thanks for the memories!!!!
Perth people may remember the Staghound that was the centrepiece of the childrens playground at the Floreat Forum many years ago. This Staghound was a favourite with the kids. During the late 60's - early 70's, my brother and I would play in it whilst mum would do the shopping. The engines had been removed but a lot of the interior was left in situ...including the main gun. A heap of my skin and hair adorned the interior as I often finish playing in the Staghound with blood running from wounds attributed to sharp edges
The Staghound was eventually removed in the late 70s, returned to the army and used as a recovery aid. I believe it was reduced to a wreck after being rolled down some hills more than once for recovery purposes.