Author Topic: Australian Army Vehicles - Indonesian Confrontation 1963-66  (Read 63163 times)

Offline Diana Alan

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Re: Australian Army Vehicles - Indonesian Confrontation 1963-66
« Reply #105 on: June 02, 2014, 06:08:39 PM »
More interesting is that in 1965 the RAEME were reporting brake failure and wear caused by mud ingress into the brakes when the SMHEA had the same problem and a solution for it a decade earlier in Series 1!  They even retrofitted additional shields and wheel seals to prevent it.
REMLR 240.
Perentie FFR 50-422, SIII FFR 30-146, SIIA GunBuggy 112-726, Mk3 Inter 170-437, ex-SADF SIIB/SIII Radio Relay,
Army Trailers: No5 x 2, W/S x 2, PT1-1.2, Horndraulic ATR dog trailer.
Civilian: MY85 RRc HiLine 4.6, MY51 ex-RACQ 80", MY91 Defender/Reynolds Boughton 6x6, MY12 D4 SDV6

Offline Carzee

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Re: Australian Army Vehicles - Indonesian Confrontation 1963-66
« Reply #106 on: June 03, 2014, 11:55:14 AM »
Thx for the EMEI mystery solver dated late 63.
So some were and some weren't, typical. The time allotted was one hour. I think you'd have to be well practised to get both sides done in one hour, the nuts were usually very manky with the threads stuffed up. And the access...