Author Topic: 2011 Canungra Swap Meet  (Read 3612 times)

Offline Vixen

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2011 Canungra Swap Meet
« on: May 31, 2012, 08:55:16 AM »
Coops n I went to the Canungra Swap Meet. It's organised by the Military Jeep Club of Queensland and held annually at Canungra Showgrounds. It is primarily a swap meet for military gear, but is also a display of vehicles. It runs over the weekend with camping at the showground and trips in the local area on the Saturday.

They copped the fierce storm that ripped through the area yesterday, so the place was strewn with wet sleeping gear and the showgound was a bit muddy underfoot in places.

Land Rover turnout was poor. We do know there were some there that did not display out in the arena. The turnout was lower than usual all round this year. I think yesterdays bad storm may have put some off.

Anyway, it was a hot and sunny day and we had a lovely drive out in Castrol (it's 1 1/2hrs drive from home to Canungra) and I took lots of pics.

Land Rovers first

This is the little Command Reconn I sold earlier this year

One of the recently auctioned TD5's. It is a 2004 model with only 29,000k's on the clock.

Another S2 General Service vehicle. Not a patch on Castrol  ;D

Looks like I neglected to take pics of the 101's  :(

and some of the other stuff..

« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 02:18:46 PM by Vixen »