Author Topic: 101 at Greysonline Yard- Perth  (Read 12352 times)

Offline Mick_Marsh

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Re: 101 at Greysonline Yard- Perth
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2013, 08:01:26 PM »
thats alot of money for a 101...
What? A million dollars?
That's not a lot of money for a 101. That's a lot of money.

$30k for a 101? No. That is not a lot of money. There have been a few that have sold for around that and more.
It depends on what is being offered for sale. I've even seen a few 101's that the owners purchased them for between $2k and $5k.
I read somewhere you have one on the way over. I'll give you $2k for it, after all, That's all you would expect for a mid seventies Landrover.
Having said that, Tommy's mid sixties LRPV's should be worth less.
But, they're not. They're something special. You have to pay a premium for special.
Most of the people wanting to buy one of mine are expecting to pick them up for around $5k, after all, they're doing me a favour.

The 101, the topic of this thread, in my opinion is worth around $12k to $17k. It depends on how much original equipment remains. Would I buy it? No. I think the one in Harcourt represents better value.

I will get you a 101 with shipping for far less than you would ever pay here...
Thanks for the offer but I already have more 101's than I can cope with. I will, however, be chatting with some people. I'll suggest they have a chat with you.
I would be interested in some difficult to get parts, as I'm sure others will be.
REMLR # 310, MVCA # 364, 101 Club # 2188, MHG #101
29-417 101 GS, 30-248 101 Rapier Tractor. 30-238 101
34-597 Crump & Cornish 1 ton Cargo Trailer
RT21 RAAF Track Tactical Trailer, 234-671 RAAF Track Tactical Trailer

Offline Diana Alan

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Re: 101 at Greysonline Yard- Perth
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2013, 08:22:05 PM »
Thanks for the offer but I already have more 101's than I can cope with. I will, however, be chatting with some people. I'll suggest they have a chat with you.
I would be interested in some difficult to get parts, as I'm sure others will be.

More than one can cope with is only a wish, I'm sure you could always make room for more!  8)  I bet one could fit on the tray of a Mk3 Inter.

REMLR 240.
Perentie FFR 50-422, SIII FFR 30-146, SIIA GunBuggy 112-726, Mk3 Inter 170-437, ex-SADF SIIB/SIII Radio Relay,
Army Trailers: No5 x 2, W/S x 2, PT1-1.2, Horndraulic ATR dog trailer.
Civilian: MY85 RRc HiLine 4.6, MY51 ex-RACQ 80", MY91 Defender/Reynolds Boughton 6x6, MY12 D4 SDV6

Offline juddy

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Re: 101 at Greysonline Yard- Perth
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2013, 08:59:57 PM »
Parts etc no problem, but I need people to contact me within the next 2 months...
1991 110 Truck Surveillance (RFSV), Winch MC2 *51-656*
2004 Truck, Carryall, Lightweight, Modified Military Special, With Winch, MC2/3 205-301, Haulmark PT1-1.2 *205090* No5 Trailer

Images © 2008-2017 J Burton

Offline Mick_Marsh

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Re: 101 at Greysonline Yard- Perth
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2013, 09:12:48 PM »
Thanks for the offer but I already have more 101's than I can cope with. I will, however, be chatting with some people. I'll suggest they have a chat with you.
I would be interested in some difficult to get parts, as I'm sure others will be.

More than one can cope with is only a wish, I'm sure you could always make room for more!  8)  I bet one could fit on the tray of a Mk3 Inter.

Funny you should say that.
The plan is to put one in the back of the Inter for a few events such as Corowa. With Alien's help we'll probably have two 101's and an Inter up there next year. Well, that is the dream.

The other dream is to get a big shed. That may involve moving. I've been looking at various properties around the place. Just haven't found the right one.
REMLR # 310, MVCA # 364, 101 Club # 2188, MHG #101
29-417 101 GS, 30-248 101 Rapier Tractor. 30-238 101
34-597 Crump & Cornish 1 ton Cargo Trailer
RT21 RAAF Track Tactical Trailer, 234-671 RAAF Track Tactical Trailer

Offline Diana Alan

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Re: 101 at Greysonline Yard- Perth
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2013, 09:27:40 PM »
Landys and Inters always expand to fill the available shed,

Ask cookie!
REMLR 240.
Perentie FFR 50-422, SIII FFR 30-146, SIIA GunBuggy 112-726, Mk3 Inter 170-437, ex-SADF SIIB/SIII Radio Relay,
Army Trailers: No5 x 2, W/S x 2, PT1-1.2, Horndraulic ATR dog trailer.
Civilian: MY85 RRc HiLine 4.6, MY51 ex-RACQ 80", MY91 Defender/Reynolds Boughton 6x6, MY12 D4 SDV6


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Re: 101 at Greysonline Yard- Perth
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2013, 11:11:56 AM »
What you need is a tardis with a roller door you can partk it anywhere ;D
s111 GS, no 5, xt600 & Ferret mk2
Geoff C

Offline Ellard

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Re: 101 at Greysonline Yard- Perth
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2013, 11:52:14 AM »

Hi there all

Although its difficult to see with the pictures - but looks rough for the money they are asking!

2 x SI 1958 LWB Fire Engine
1 x SII LWB 1961 Angus Firefly
1 x SIIA LWB 1963 Fire Tender (No 5 fire trailer)
1 x 110 48:005 Forward Command Podt