The badges you can see are mostly those of the AATTV rather than the SAS.
The AATTV was the most highly decorated Australian unit in South Vietnam and consisted of usually Sgts, WOs and Officers who were selected from all different Corps and sent to Vietnam where they lived with, trained and fought with various South Vietnamese Army units (AARVN) throughout the country. These blokes were often out on their own with their Vietnamese speaking charges for months on end, often not seeing another "round eye" for the whole time. This Unit began its rotations from 1962, 4 years before Australia openly committed any (publicly acknowledged) troops to the war and 5 years before Australian troops went over as a self contained entity, and were disbanded in 1972.
Today we have another Training Team - AATT- situated and working in Iraq. Today we tend to call it "mentoring" as that apparently is a bit more upmarket term than "training".
A lot of those shots show landrovers with 3 RAR Tac signs which tends to date the shots to around 67-68, although the one of the convoy forming up at Vung Tau is of 1 Coy trucks so that brings it back to 66-67.
The Corporal with the SAS beret is snoozing on the back of a Mk3, so once again 66-67. I would assume going back to Nui Dat after either R&C or R&R.
In the shot of the bod looking over what could be a map outside the boozer(?) it looks like the Kingstrand hut in the background is still being erected (note the blokes on the roof), once again, early days.
The bloke in the Landrover with the giggle hat on (pic 2 post 33) is wearing the AATTV badge on his brassard and also a set of Paratroop wings that tend to point to him being a 3RAR member.
Interesting array of shots.