I have made 2 T bolts today, for securing the spare wheel in the tub, I'm getting past lifting wheels onto bonnets

. The only T bolt that I have was found secured in the tub that came with Chloe, it is 1/4"BSF thread, it has a bronze wing nut.
I have bronze wing nuts in 3/8"UNF, and the std Land Rover threaded bar is also 3/8"UNF (S2A) so I decided that I would make mine in 3/8" bar, I used 3/8"UNF bolts 5 1/2" in length, running the thread down 3", turn a small spigot on the end and drill a corresponding hole in the cross bar

weld the items together, etch prime n paint. In these images the pressed plate arrangement had not been grit blasted, or painted but it has been now

it looks the part anyway

I have 2 more to make, but I'm short one of the pressed plates, anyone have a spare they want to sell, otherwise I will get one from O/seas, cheers Dennis