« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2013, 08:41:19 PM »
Hi Wayne
AFAIK the County ones are the same. However I wouldn't be having my kids travelling sideways in the back of anything, too greater risk of neck injuries. I'd be trying to get something like the third row seats from the rear of a Disco2 mounted and engineered, or something like (below) and getting them trimmed to match the rest of the car.

REMLR 240.
Perentie FFR 50-422, SIII FFR 30-146, SIIA GunBuggy 112-726, Mk3 Inter 170-437, ex-SADF SIIB/SIII Radio Relay,
Army Trailers: No5 x 2, W/S x 2, PT1-1.2, Horndraulic ATR dog trailer.
Civilian: MY85 RRc HiLine 4.6, MY51 ex-RACQ 80", MY91 Defender/Reynolds Boughton 6x6, MY12 D4 SDV6