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Australian "Perentie " 110 & 6x6 Vehicles / Re: FFR 49-290 - 2 Sig Regt
« Last post by AGAS 5 on May 13, 2024, 06:30:21 PM »
Lunch at Jugiong on the way home from Pickles.  She drove very well.
Parts For Sale / Re: 6-cylinder engine parts
« Last post by gromit on May 12, 2024, 05:48:09 PM »
Once I'm able to remove the camshaft the block will be scrapped.
Seems a shame but I already have 3 spare 6-cyl motors.

All the other parts listed are still available.


Parts Wanted / Bamford Fairlead Frame
« Last post by gromit on May 12, 2024, 05:44:53 PM »
I've acquired a Bamford winch & PTO but the fairlead frame is missing.

Just wondering if anyone has one spare.

Australian "Perentie " 110 & 6x6 Vehicles / FFR 49-290 - 2nd Signal Regiment
« Last post by AGAS 5 on May 11, 2024, 10:53:50 PM »
This story has just begun.....
106 MM RCL, aka The Gunbuggy / Re: Gunbuggy ARNs & Photos
« Last post by Minikeg on May 07, 2024, 07:21:36 PM »
110506 110-506 ? Its the only gunbuggy I believe that fits - arn ending in 06, and both these pics and 506 feature round guards

James Lang posted these on facebook of his brother John Lang, 8/9 RAR
Trailers / Re: No.5 uses - pontoons
« Last post by Mick_Marsh on May 07, 2024, 01:55:16 PM »
In cadets as an exercise they strapped a blue plastic drum to the drawbar and that was enough to make it bouyant and had cadets 'row' them around a course on lake st clair/singleton as a way to waste a day..

not sure if that counts as a pontoon..
No, not usage as a pontoon. That does show they were used as a training aid.
Trailers / Re: No.5 uses - pontoons
« Last post by Minikeg on May 06, 2024, 09:08:17 PM »
In cadets as an exercise they strapped a blue plastic drum to the drawbar and that was enough to make it bouyant and had cadets 'row' them around a course on lake st clair/singleton as a way to waste a day..

not sure if that counts as a pontoon..
Vehicles Wanted / Re: WTB: 4 Door Senior Commander / Carryall
« Last post by BEARMAN on May 03, 2024, 07:20:51 AM »
I haven't seen any advertised lately either. It was some time ago, like 3 years that I saw the last senior commander advertised and it was around the 50+ area.
Spotted Vehicles / Spotted being Towed on the Hume Highway
« Last post by fc101 on May 03, 2024, 12:35:53 AM »
Driving back from Ballarat to Canberra tonight and in the headlights I spotted something interesting on car trailer.

Spotted a White Defender 110, towing a Victorian registered car trailer with what looked like a 5 Door Command Perentie on the trailer or maybe even an Army 5 Door TD5 it was too dark to see with certainty.  Was heading north on the Hume near Jugiong at about 2030.

I gave a toot and a wave as I went past - was in a red jag.

Was it anyone from here?

Vehicles Wanted / Re: WTB: 4 Door Senior Commander / Carryall
« Last post by cnadams on May 02, 2024, 12:38:40 PM »
Yeah I suspected that would be the case. I've not been able to find any asking prices past circa 2016 - Any idea what people are asking for them at the moment when one does come up?
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