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New Member Introductions / Re: New Owner and Member
« Last post by STDDIVER on November 22, 2024, 06:57:26 PM »
Welcome to REMLR Randall - Great to see another landy saved.  Cheers     STDDIVER
REMLR - General Chatter / Re: REMLR
« Last post by GGG on November 21, 2024, 07:16:20 PM »
Phoenix, I hope that you are correct as the site is a mine of information not to mention a certain amount of entertainment.
Cheers, Geoff O.
REMLR - General Chatter / Re: REMLR
« Last post by Phoenix on November 21, 2024, 03:26:26 PM »
Facebook always took a chunk of the traffic here, but the problem is re finding information again, which the forums here excel at.  I suspect in time facebook will loose popularity and people come back in here.
REMLR - General Chatter / Re: Lifting off a Topographical Module
« Last post by Phoenix on November 21, 2024, 03:24:50 PM »
I'm not sure topographical body is the right description, it's an ambulance body converted to electronic repair vehicle.

Whilst it's similar to the series 3 topographical Survey vehicle featured on this page, I believe that was a one off prototype that the army never adopted (Chassis No. Unknown).
New Member Introductions / Re: New Owner and Member
« Last post by Chazza on November 19, 2024, 09:14:38 AM »
Welcome Randall.

Nice looking Rover you have there,

Cheers Charlie
Bodywork & Painting / Re: Protec Paint
« Last post by gromit on November 18, 2024, 08:29:11 PM »
I don't understand why rattle can paint would fade less than paint in a 4 litre can but...... it could depend on the thinners used and the percentage.
It often pays to test these things before opining that a fellow Perentie/mil LR enthusiast is outright wrong

I'm surprised that you think i suggested that someone was outright wrong as I didn't.

The colour of the sleeve on the can and the fact that Protec list a light tan was my initial concern.
I'd also read that the military paint supplier had changed in the past and, for example, that the Protec green wasn't 'correct' but that was probably Series II rather than Series III.
The light tan may be a better match but the Brown isn't far off allowing for fading on my Series III FFR.

The data sheets for both the 4 litre & spray cans list IRR properties.

New Member Introductions / New Owner and Member
« Last post by TuxysAMF63 on November 18, 2024, 02:09:52 PM »
Hi everyone,

My name is Randall and am new to REMLR and live in Brisbane Northside

In August I purchased a 1963 Series 2A, 88, ARN 112-273 and plan to restore back to Army spec finished in Olive Drab

Looking forward to any advice or recommendations to assist me reinstate 112-273

Bodywork & Painting / Re: Protec Paint
« Last post by craigb on November 16, 2024, 04:49:37 PM »
I don't understand why rattle can paint would fade less than paint in a 4 litre can but...... it could depend on the thinners used and the percentage.

The Protec spray cans have the military IRR treatment in them. The 4 litre tins don't, presumably because the regime dislikes civilians spraying their vehicles with paints that don't glow under active infrared lighting like those in use by ANPRs, mobile phone/seatbelt detection cameras, toll points and such.

Source 1: I have tested objects painted with both the spray paints and the 4 litre tins under active IR illumination with a Gen 3 night vision image intensifier. Spray can paint doesn't glow under active IR light. The other stuff does.

Source 2: I have wolf rims sprayed camouflage brown by a well known retailer which have faded to pink. The spray can-respray (all over camouflage brown) which I did the same weekend as I fitted the wolf rims is still camouflage brown and only slightly faded.

I'm glad you were able to discover through experience that the camouflage brown Protec spray paints are indeed the correct colour for your FFR. It often pays to test these things before opining that a fellow Perentie/mil LR enthusiast is outright wrong because the graphic on your spray can looks like it is a different shade particularly when the label states "lustreless" but the label is glossy, which may have been a clue that it may not be an OCD-level true representation of the colour of the paint in the can.
Parts For Sale / RFSV Split Rims
« Last post by Frank G on November 16, 2024, 04:45:00 PM »
I have six RFSV Split Rims for sale and I have been told that one has a buckle.

Please let me know if anyone is interested in making a reasonable offer.

Photos are in the Dropbox web link below:

Pick up in inner Sydney.

Please send a text message if there is any interest.

Many thanks,


0419 581 937
Bodywork & Painting / Re: Protec Paint
« Last post by gromit on November 16, 2024, 11:37:35 AM »
The camouflage brown Protec pressure packs are the correct colour

I just sprayed a sample and the brown isn't anything like the colour on the sleeve over the can. I was assuming it was a dark brown (from the sleeve) especially when Protec also list a light tan.

It's close to the original allowing for some fading so I'll see how far a single can goes with the disruptive pattern.

I don't understand why rattle can paint would fade less than paint in a 4 litre can but...... it could depend on the thinners used and the percentage.
I've been using Toluene when spray painting with good results.
Touch dry in minutes (great if you're spraying outdoors) and then a couple of days to fully harden.

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