The Series 3 GS variant
Although the mechanical specification changed a great deal, in appearance the new Series 3 General Service was the same as the previous Series 2A GS. This impression was helped by the retention of the same matt Olive Drab paint scheme which was the fleet colour from the Vietnam War days of the mid-1960's.
At the front end the brushguard was modified to suit the relocated headlights and tac holder positions above the headlights. The "gardening tool" brackets were fitted on the top of the front mudguards and convoy clearance lights were fitted on the brushguards as well as airlift brackets.
At the rear the various fittings (as can be seen in the photo "R") were re-arranged as well. The tac holders moved inboard to the GS tailgate as did the ARN plate and illumination light. This was done to accommodate the new jerrycan fittings which was made possible with the Series 3 tail light arrangement. No tail light protectors were fitted. Newly designed combination convoy lights were fitted inboard of the jerry brackets and next to them "Air Lift Tongues" each side of the pintle hook (photo "R" shows civvy towball however.)
The GS has a single 68AmpHour 12V battery and it has a negative earth loom using an alternator.